I had my head full of “should”s and “have to”s about how productivity looks like.
So many authors, coaches and trainers say that in order to work you have to:
– get in the zone
– feel inspired
– be in the flow
– be positive
– be optimistic
– feel confident
– be in the right mood, etc.
So, my process for getting to work back in the days was to first work on how I am feeling. Fluff up my mood. Spark my enthusiasm. Reconnect with my mission. Get to feel empowered and excited. Play upbeat music. Read inspiring stuff.
And this is all good to a point – the trouble is I am setting a trap for myself. The trap is I end up thinking it’s not a good idea to work when I am:
– stressed
– sad
– tired
– afraid
– not in the mood
– bored
– not at all confident
– like it doesn’t really matter after all.
That made me give up so much more frequently. I delayed getting started and doing the work. I spent way too many time trying to fix and change how I was feeling in order to actually start getting things done.
So I decided to divorce that old mindset.
I now have learned to separate work from feelings.
It’s not that I don’t aim to feel good and inspired as much as I can. It’s just that I no longer use a bad mood as an excuse to not do the things that are important to me.
The advantages of this new mindset are so so cool.
First of all, I have a higher acceptance of all of my emotional states. I no longer see them as a problem I need to solve. I no longer fight with myself or get frustrated about being in a less-than-perfect mood. I no longer waste energy on putting make-up on a low state and beat myself up for feeling it in the first place.
Second of all, as long as I accept a bad mood, I reach a state of calm and okayness. I continue to be less excited, more fearful or bored, but I am okay with it and that keeps me in healthy, cool emotional balance.
Third of all, I get WAY more stuff done. I learned that you can actually work even when you’re not feeling it. I make progress every single day, even when it’s a small win. But hey, forward is forward and small steps are much better than no steps.
Fourth of all, I usually end up feeling in the zone. By the time I finish those things on my to-do list, I get a feeling of immense satisfaction and pride for being able to work regardless of my initial resistance. I learn that I am much more powerful, resilient and able to adapt than I imagined.
And if that’s not enough, consider this. Being able to work even when you’re in a bad mood is an invaluable skill to have. This is great training for the future. There will be times in your life when you have to show up and do your thing even if you’re not feeling it. Isn’t it best to start the training as early as possible?