There's things we all deeply, really want. Goals, visions, desires that - if we could only make them true - would seemingly make our life much, much better. But until that happens, we actively hurt because we're living in a world that doesn't match
Let me start this piece with a very classic, cliche term. You must've heard the good news - we're all living in a VUCA world. VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity - in short, it's a concept that describes
For quite some years, companies, HR professionals, consultants and managers have been focused on finding the secret sauce to building the engagement of teams. As is the case with mostly everything, it turns out that what we should be aiming for is something far more
I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say that most of the people reading this article haven't had the toughest life. Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure you've had your struggles and some demons to fight, as we all do. But just
I remember a conversation I've once seen in a group of women. It was a heated discussion, with a general overtone of critiquing women who give "too much attention" (whatever that means) to their physical appearance. A large number of women were undergoing the scrutiny of
2016 was my year of spirituality. I felt like there was something missing in my life, and went on to reconnect with myself and this instinct that I always had to find meaning, happiness and a connection to something beyond myself. I moved past most of
I had my head full of "should"s and "have to"s about how productivity looks like. So many authors, coaches and trainers say that in order to work you have to: - get in the zone - feel inspired - be in the flow - be positive - be optimistic - feel confident -
There's this one funny answer that we give to a very common interview question: "What are your weaknesses?" ”Well, I'm a perfectionist. (grin) I can't rest until every detail is as it should be." Now sometimes the interviewer remains satisfied that this is a very bearable weakness to work with.
It is my pleasure to share with you a couple of thoughts that have been going through my mind recently. Maybe not the kind of thoughts you'd be expecting to read on International Happiness Day, but